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The New Evangelical's Bible |
Topic: Bible | Type: Article | Author: A. Allison Lewis |
Unlike the Liberal and Modernist, who are not Christians at all, MANY of the New Evangelicals are Christians. Many of them do believe the cardinal doctrines of the Christian Faith, such as: the Deity, Virgin Birth, sinless life, substitutionary atonement, bodily resurrection and Second Coming of Jesus Christ. They believe that salvation is by the grace of God through faith alone. They believe that salvation is not earned by works or good deeds on the part of man [EPH 2:8, 9; GAL 2:11].
New Evangelicalism or Neo-evangelicalism is a term coined by the late Harold J. Ockenga, long-time pastor of Park Street Church of Boston and President of Gordon College and Seminary. He used the term to describe his own position in a message delivered at Fuller Theological Seminary in 1948. Along with Ockenga some other well-known New Evangelicals are: Harold Lindsell, Carl F. H. Henry, the late Edward Carnell, Billy Graham and Kenneth Kantzer.
Many New Evangelicals maintain the cardinal doctrines of the Christian faith. Their major error is the repudiation of the Bible doctrine of separation from unbelief which eventually leads to apostasy (as in the case of Billy Graham). They go absolutely contrary to the plain instructions of the Scripture in seeking to infiltrate apostate "denominations, institutions, and movements." Dr. Ockenga wrote in the book, Christianity Today, in 1960 that,
An up-to-date strategy for the evangelical cause must be based upon the principle of infiltration. We evangelicals need to realize that the liberals or modernists, have been using this strategy for years. They have infiltrated our evangelical denominations, institutions, and movements and then have taken over the control of them. It is time for firm evangelicals to seize their opportunity to minister in and influence modernist groups [by Spire Books, p. 176].
The plain command of the Scripture is, Wherefore come out from among them, and be separate, says the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you [2CO 6:17].
As a result of disobedience, New Evangelicalism is today in a shambles. They are caught in what Dr. Lindsell terms "The Battle for the Bible." Dr. Ockenga wrote in 1976 that,
the perplexing question of the inspiration of Scripture is endangering the unity of the evangelical movement. Two prominent views are emerging The first view considers all of Scripture to be inspired and true, including the historical, geographical, and scientific teaching. The second view holds that only the Bible teaching on salvation-history and doctrine is true. The Bible is authoritative for faith and practice only.
In another paragraph he writes,
The attitude we have toward the trustworthiness of Scripture determines our later position, not only on faith, but also on practice. The evidence that those who surrender the doctrine of inerrancy inevitably move away from orthodoxy is indisputable [from the preface to The Battle for the Bible by H. Lindsell].
Yes, sad to say, many who are today called New Evangelicals have made complete ship-wreck of the faith and are apostates. They have crossed the line into Modernism.
The root of the problem in the New Evangelical movement is their primary principle of practice (i.e.) of infiltration into apostate organizations. The principle is unbiblical, yes, more than that it is anti-Biblical. As a result there is confusion in the New Evangelical camp concerning the inspiration, inerrancy and authority of the Bible. We urge any who are involved in such compromising practice to obey the Lord and come out from among them, and be separate. Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to harken than the fat of rams [2CO 6:17; 1SA 15:22].
This Page Last Updated: 12/05/98 A.
Allison Lewis