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The Bible and Science |
Topic: Bible |
Type: Article |
Author: A. Allison Lewis |
Avoid profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called [1TI 6:20].
In our day the belief is popular that the advance of science has proved the claims of the Bible and the doctrines of historic Christianity to be false. Even many of the churches have been engulfed by this idea. Many religious leaders are engaged in accommodating the Bible to modern science. These religious people have given up belief in a personal God who supernaturally created the world and all it contains and who supernaturally revealed Himself and His remedy for mans predicament in the Bible. These are Modernists or Liberals. They are not Christians.
The conflict between the Bible and "modern science" is a conflict between two religions. On the one hand is the historic Christian religion which believes that God, by supernatural means, brought the world and man into being and that He supernaturally revealed Himself and His plan of redemption in His word, the Bible. On the other hand are the many varieties of Modernism rooted in naturalism. Naturalism teaches that the world evolved by the ordinary course of nature and denies the special creative acts of God in connection with the origin of this world. To these Modernists Christianity is only the natural development of an evolutionary process in the history of mankind.
God and His creation are in harmony with one another. The Heavens declare the glory of God, and the Heavens show His handiwork [PSA 19:1]. The Bible has no conflict with true science. There is a conflict, however, between the Bible and naturalism with its THEORY of evolution.
Science has its limitations. Much that is advocated as science is merely the philosophy of a prejudiced mind. True science, for instance, deals with observations and measurements of the physical universe. Science cannot deal with the spiritual domain. When it comes to dealing with ideas we are then in the area of philosophy and not science. Another limitation of science is that it cannot prove a universal negative. Only a very limited, localized nonexistence can be proved, and that in only certain situations. Science cannot establish the universal nonexistence of anything. A third major limit of science is its inability to make value judgments. Science cannot tell right from wrong. With science we obtain atomic energy, but science cannot give any guidelines for its use. You may think that a computer, as amazing as it is, could pass judgments on moral issues for us, but a computer is nothing more than a fantastically complex and very fast piece of machinery. It has no way to produce answers of any kind until it is programmed with specific guidelines. If it is given Christian guidelines, the computer will make Christian judgments. Atheistic guidelines will result in atheistic answers. Another limit to science is the fact that it cannot produce final or absolute answers. Science is changeable. We urge you to put your trust in the Bible and the God of the Bible Who changes not. The Bible is reliable.
This Page Last Updated: 12/08/98 A.
Allison Lewis