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Dispensationalism and Jews |
Topic: Dispensationalism | Type: Article | Prepared by: A. Allison Lewis |
Dispensationalists and Jews Together NOTE: the following article is presented to show the gross anti-Christian activities of some prominent New Evangelical Dispensationalists*.Obvious typographical errors in the printed article have been corrected. Where are the Elijah's today? [1 Kings 18].Jesus said : I am the Way, the Truth and the Life; NO ONE comes to the Father except through Me [John 14:6].EVERYONE who does not confess that the MESSIAH HAS ALREADY COME is "not of God" [1 John 4:1-3].Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. Know therefore that those who are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham [Galatians 3:6, 7]. For they are NOT all Israel, who are of Israel: NEITHER, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, in Isaac shall your seed be called. That is, those who are the children of the flesh, THESE ARE NOT the children of God; but the children of the promise are counted for the seed [Romans 9:6-9].He came to His own and His own received Him not. BUT as many as received Him, to those He gave the right to become the sons of God, even to those who believe on His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. The Word was made flesh and dwelled among us (and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father) full of grace and truth [John 1:11-14]- A. Allison Lewis |
The Christian News. March 7, 1983
"We need each other . . ."
Evangelicals and Jews discover common roots
The MULTNOMAH BULLETIN, December, 1982PHOTO with caption reading:
Dr. Willard M. Aldrich served as Multnomahs president from 1943 through 1978. Dr. Aldrich received his undergraduate degree from Wheaton College and his doctorate in theology from Dallas Theological Seminary.
PHOTO with caption reading:
President Emeritus Willard M. Aldrich (on the left) listens attentively to Dr. Marel Fisch, Professor of English at Bar-Ilan University near Tel Aviv, and former Israeli delegate to the United Nations. Dr. Fisch spoke in chapel and at a special luncheon on the Multnomah campus on October 11.
It has been my privilege to share in an on-going dialogue between evangelical Christians and Jewish religious and political leaders.
It began with participation in a joint worship service held in the Temple Mosaic Law of Sacramento, California on June 11 of this year. It will be furthered with a meeting of Jewish and evangelical leaders to be held on November 11-12 in Washington, DC [Emphasis added - aal].The Sacramento meeting featured the presentation of an "
Evangelical Christian Declaration of Support for Israel and the American Jewish Community."The first paragraph of the Declaration summarizes its purpose as follows:
We believe that the Holy Land is the inalienable possession of the Jewish people; that the promises made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob have never been abrogated; and that the establishment of modern Israel is an undeniable fulfillment of Biblical prophecy, the herald of the coming Messiah [Emphasis added - aal]. The rebirth of Israel points to Gods faithfulness and to the sustaining might which undergirds all of His promises.We are committed to the security of Israel.
The Sacramento meeting was unique in three dimensions:
First, on the basis of their understanding of biblical prophecy, evangelical Christians expressed their support of Israels right to exist as a nation and to possess the Holy Land as their national homeland.
Christians and Jews worshipped together the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob [Emphasis addedaal]. At the same time, the assembled Christians felt free to express our faith in Jesus as the promised Messiah.Third,
"charismatic" and "non-charismatic" Christians came together as evangelicals to meet with the Jewish worshipers. In an open-air meeting in a Christian church courtyard, and later in the synagogue service, modestly-attired young women danced before the Lord in harmony with music of worship and adoration [Emphasis added - aal].The Declaration of Support for Israel was read in the synagogue service, a copy presented to the director of the National Jewish Federation and another copy to the San Francisco Consulate of Israel. It was my privilege to make the presentation to the Consulate, and I did so after stating what we as evangelicals believe:
"We believe that the Bible, both the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures, is the Word of God.
"We believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah and Savior promised in the Hebrew Scriptures.
"We believe that He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. We believe we find forgiveness of sins and become children of God by faith in Jesus Christ.
"We believe that Jesus Christ is coming again to reign over the Earth in fulfillment of covenants made to Abraham, Moses and David."
In my introductory remarks to the gathering in Sacramento, I mentioned the uniqueness of the situation. I stated that although I was from the non-dancing sector of evangelicals, I was moved by the beauty of holiness expressed in the worshipful singing and dancing of the young women.
Our joint worship service
seemed to break down the middle wall of partition between segments within evangelical Christianity. Many of us were praying thatin Christit would also begin to break down the wall between Jew and Christian [Emphasis added - aal].But in the meantime,
how could I worship with those who do not recognize Jesus as their Messiah [Emphasis added - aal]? And how could they honestly accept us in their own synagogue when we uncompromisingly confessed our faith in Him as Savior and Messiah?Facing up to this problem with you, I suggest the following affirmations of our Christian commitmentas well as some probing theological questions we might ponder.
Perhaps between the two we will begin to see a possible basis of fellowship between Christian and Jew [Emphasis addedaal].One
: There is only one way of salvation, and that is through the person and work of Christ.Two
: Salvation is by faith in Gods forgiving grace and not of works.Three:
The saving grace of God has become operative through dependence upon and faith in God even where there has not been the full New Testament revelation of how God can and does forgive on the basis of the atoning work of Christ [Emphasis added - aal].Four: We suggest that the "blindness in part" which has befallen Israel may have included elements of mercy. What does Paul mean in saying, "God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all"? (Romans 11:32). And could we apply the principle stated by our Lord, "If ye were blind, ye should have no sin . . ." (John 9:41)
[Emphasis added - aal]?And we could also consider the prayer of our Lord, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do," (Luke 23:34). Certainly that was a plea for those who crucified Him and later repented, but could it be extended to those generations who failed to have a fair representation of His claims upon their lives [Emphasis added - aal]?
Could it mean that God has had a remnant in the present dispensation as He did in Babylon? That even in their partial blindness they found the God of their fathers to be a "little sanctuary" in accordance to the promise in Ezekiel 11:6
[Emphasis added - aal]?Five:
Our meetings with our Jewish friends have not been upon the basis of a general and unscriptural "universal Fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man." There has been an open, honest recognition of differences in all of our contacts. At the same time, however, evangelicals and believing Jews hold in common the cherished conviction that the Bible (Old Testament for the Jews) is the Word of God. We have also found agreement on the biblical distinction between Israel and the Church and the special place of each in the plan of God [Emphasis added - aal].Six
: The Christian Declaration of Support for Israel is in response to their obvious need. They are surrounded by nations which have vowed to destroy them, and they need our friendship and support. But Christians are also conscious that the world of atheistic humanism hates Jesus Christ, and those who belong to Him [Emphasis added - aal]. These forces are moving to limit the Christians freedom to worship and to destroy the moral restraints our belief in God would impose upon them.The Church and Israel need each other as Gods prophetic program moves toward its consummation in the coming of Christ
[Emphasis added - aal].Seven
: Something new has been happening. Suspicion and hatreds built upon misunderstandings and persecutions are giving way to expressions of love and trusteven a willingness to turn to the Scriptures together to study about the Messiah. And both Jew and Christian have sensed that the Spirit of God is at work [Emphasis added - aal].It is our prayer that God is beginning to remove the "blindness in part" from Israel so
that Gods chosen people may come to see that they have been chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world (EPH 1:4) [Emphasis added - aal]. And we pray that the blindness which has caused the Church to arrogate to itself the promises made to Israel may also be lifted.***********************************************
Some names listed by Christianity Today, Moody Monthly, Religious Broadcasting, Religious News Service and The Christian News: Jerry Falwell, W. A. Criswell, John Walvoord, Willard Aldrich, Paige Patterson, Baily Smith, Adrian Rogers, Ed McAteer, Ben Armstrong, George Sweeting, Arnold Olsen and Pat Robertson.This Page Last Updated: 03/26/99 A.
Allison Lewis