Indeed! |
Topic: Ressurection | Type: Articles | Author: Cathy Paris |
He lives within the
human heart
Of those who seek His way.
It matters not what man may say,
Our soverign GodHe lives today!
There are two great indeed's in God's Word. We see one in John 4:42. Here we are told, Now we know that this is INDEED the Christ, the Savior of the world. The next is found in Luke 24:34 which reads, Christ the Lord is risen INDEED.
The most common position about the first indeed is held by most Jews today. They will quite readily admit that Jesus was indeed a mighty prophet of God but not that He was indeed the Son of God, the promised Savior. Nevertheless Christ in plainest language states that He is the ONLY Savior [JOH 14:6].
The second indeed concerns the fact of the resurrection of Christ. Although His resurrection is repudiated as, or more fiercely today than in New Testament times, I will go back to the time of Christ's death to show that not everyone believed then that Christ had risen but also to show that He did indeed rise from the dead.
When Mary Magdalene came, early that Sunday morning, to properly prepare Christ's body, and found the tomb empty, she ran to the disciples and told them that, they have taken away the Lord out of His tomb, and I know not where they have laid Him. She returned to the tomb and met Jesus Who said, You seek Jesus of Nazareth Who was crucified, He is risen, He is not here. Not realizing who she was speaking to, she asked Jesus if He knew where her Lord had been taken. She soon recognized Christ and was commanded to tell the disciples of this glorious event. But we are told And their words seemed to them as idle tales, and they believed them not [LUK 24:11]. The disciples did finally believe. We see this same unbelief in today's society.
In a court of law, to prove a point beyond a shadow of doubt, a witness or witnesses are necessary. Even though this is not a trial, reliable witnesses would establish the resurrection as a fact beyond any reasonable doubt. In 1 Corinthians 15 we are told of witnesses, not just one, but over 500. Paul was telling the Corinthian people that they did not merely have to trust his word, but that they could go to Jerusalem, knock on any number of doors and talk with someone who actually saw the risen Lord with their own eyes. Paul went on to say that if Christ be not raised your faith is vain: you are yet in your sins. But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first fruits of those who slept. He said, in effect, our faith is not based on some "mythological event" but is based on certain historical facts.
One might believe these facts and yet not be a child of God. A serious question remains. We, too, are asked, as was Peter, Who do you say that I am? We may say with Peter, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God, and still be lost. Can we add that He is MY Savior and Lord? Have the facts influenced your life? Have you applied them to yourself personally? In 1 Corinthians Paul states very plainly that the Gospel, or Good News of God is that, Christ died FOR OUR SINS, was buried and rose again the third day, according to the Scriptures. Until we believe and accept Christ into our hearts, these facts are . . . well, just facts. But when one accepts Him as their personal Savior they become children of Godtheir sins are forgiven.
I trust that you can honestly say you serve the risen Savior, INDEED!
This Page Last Updated: 12/03/98 A.
Allison Lewis