Topical Studies |
Topic: Various |
Type: List |
Author: A. Allison Lewis |
Abortion Is Murder - EXO 21:22, 23; PSA 22:9, 10; 51:5; 139:13-16; LUK 1:44 [See Babies]
Adultery - fornication - REV 2:20-22 (interchangeable - pornew - moicew)
Anti-Semitism - 1TH 2:14, 15; ACT 7:52
Apostasy - descendants depart from the faith - DEU 4:25ff.
At home - 2CO 5:6, 8, 9 (NOTE: in vs. 8 and 9 KJV "present" should be "at home" as in vs. 6 - all 3 are the same in Greek)
Babies - LUK 1:41, 44 (6 months along baby leaped for joy); HOS 12:3; JER 1:5 (known and sanctified before birth); ISA 13:18; 49:5; GEN 25:22 (children struggled in her womb). [See Abortion Is Murder]
Baptism (into Christ) - 1CO 12:13
Baptism - COL 2:12; ROM 6:3-5; 1PE 3:21; (See Circumcision also see Re-Baptism)
Borders of Israel - NUM 34:32
Call no man Father - MAT 23:5-12 ("It may be said that the title of reverend is only one of courtesy, but then so was the title of Rabbi among the Jews, yet the disciples were not to be called Rabbi" [Spurgeon, SWORD & TROWEL, vol. 4, p. 93] See also TITLES: Father, Rabbi, Master and reverend)
Capital Punishment - GEN 9:6
Children - PSA 127
Christ in us - BY His Spirit - 1JO 3:24; ROM 8:9, 10; GAL 2:20
Christian EXAMPLE - PHI 3:17-19; HEB 6:12; 1CO 11:1; 2TI 3:14
Circumcision - Baptism - ROM 4:1-14 (10, 11). A sign vs. 11; (See Baptism)
Comfort for Gods people - PSA 23; ISA 43:1-14
Confess and forsake - PRO 28:13
Context - "Everything does not always mean everything. A simple illustration will make that evident. Upon paying his bill in a restaurant, the customer will invariably be asked by the cashier, Is everything all right? Clearly, everything here is not everything-in-general, but everything-in-context, the restaurant context of the food, the service, the seating, and possibly even the restrooms. In a word, the context supplies terms such as everything with natural limits, usually not explicitly stated, but by the same token routinely recognized." [The Agony of Deceit, "Scripture Twisting" by Henry Krabbendam, p. 82]
Creationism (as to the origin of the soul) - Has no answer for sin and death - ROM 5:12ff.
Date of the Exodus - 1KI 6:1
Days of Noah - LUK 17:25-30; the idea is not about wickedness BUT the fact that life will be going on as usual with no concern
Dead know not whats happening on earth - JOB 14:21; ECC 9:1-10 (See Saints NOT looking down)
Death - LUK 8:55; 23:46; JAM 2:26; 1KI 17:21, 22
Dichotomy - 1TH 5:23 does not teach trichotomy. It is simply emphasizing the WHOLE PERSON in the same way that DEU 6:5 teaches the undivided allegiance of love to God we certainly do not have some other kind of "trichotomy" taught here! [See Agony of Deceit pp. 75-79. VERY GOOD. See MAT 22:37; MAR 12:30 (heart, soul, mind and strengthfour parts!); LUK 1:46, 47. GEN 2:7TWO PARTS ONLY. See also Soul and Body]
Diet Fads - GEN 9:3; ROM 14:2; 1TI 4:3-5
Dispensationalism - 1PE 1:11; ROM 11:15-21; 1PE 2:6-10; JOH 10:16; 11:52
Divorce - ROM 7:2, 3
Divorce and preachers - LEV 21:7
Divorce and remarriage to the same one - DEU 24:1-4
Do not swear FALSELY by Gods Name - LEV 19:12
Dreams - GEN 20:3-6
Election - LUK 22:22; ACT 2:23; 13:48; ROM 11:7, 8; EPH 1:1-14; 1PE 1:20; JER 1:5; JOH 13:18
Elijah - MAT 17:10-13
Eternal Security (losing faith) - 2TI 2:18, 19; HEB 6; JOH 6
Evidence - Presuppositionalism - JOH 20:24-31; ACT 1:3; 2:22; 1CO 15:5-8 (Historical religion not a mythical or mystical "hope")
Evolution must face Romans 5:12 and Jesus - MAR 10:6; MAT 19:4-6
Faith and Works - ROM 4:4; JAM 2:14; 1JO 2:3-6
False Prophets and Wonders - DEU 13:1-4
Fasting - ISA 58:1-11
Fear - PRO 16:6
Filled with the Spirit - LUK 1:15, 41, 67; (2:25-27)
Finders Keepers philosophy - LEV 6:1-7; DEU 22:1-4
Forgiveness UPON REPENTANCE - LUK 17:3, 4
Funeral text for Christians - REV 14:13
Genealogies - 1CH 4:38.
Giving - EXO 35:4, 5; 36:4-7; 25:2; DEU 16:17; 2CO 9:7
Goal of History - 1CO 15:23-28
God HATES SINNERS - PSA 5:5; HOS 9:15; (PSA 139:21)
God of the living - MAT 22:32
Gods repentance - GEN 6:7
Good Greek - See Dana and Mantey, A Manual Grammar p. 150. "Good Bostonian," or "Good Newfoundland" speech all are "good" in their home area though totally unacceptable in "good" national standards of AmericanEnglish writing and speaking.
Good Old Days - ECC 7:10
Gospel of the Kingdom (See Kingdom of God) MAT 9:35 (10:7); LUK 16:16; ACT 28:31
Healing - spiritual - MAT 13:15
Healing - physical - 2TI 4:20. In Atonement - "Now in the light of Matthew 8:17 it seems, indeed, irrefutable that the cross of Christ constitutes a conquest over both sin and sickness and, of course, constitutes a conquest over Satan as well [Colossians 2:15]. But to recognize the parallels properly is to recognize them across the board. The conquest over Satan does not bring the spiritual warfare and the suffering that spiritual warfare entails to an end [1 Peter 5:8-9]. Similarly, the conquest over sin does not spell sinless perfection. The heartache that this produces is only too genuine [1 John 3:20]. So the conquest over sickness does not imply perfect health [Philippians 2:26-27]. The thorns and thistles with which this world is cursed after the Fall do not leave any area of life untouched AND WILL NOT BE REMOVED UNTIL THE CONSUMMATION" [emphasis added - AAL] Agony of Deceit, by Krabbendam p. 84
Heresies allowed in the church! - why? - 1CO 11:19; 2PE 2:1
Holiness - 2CO 7:1; HEB 12:14
Holy Spirit - God - ROM 8:9
Homosexuals - LEV 18:22; ROM 1:26-32; 1CO 6:9, 10
Hope - elpidw - ROM 8:24; BUT see also JOH 5:45
House Churches - ROM 16:5; 1CO 16:19; COL 4:15; PHM 2
If the LORD WILL - JAM 4:14, 15
Infants in Heaven? (argument from David and his child, etc.) - 2SA 12:23; 1SA 28:19; JOH 8:21, 22; 1KI 14:12, 13, 17; GEN 37:35 [KJV, RSV, AAT and K & D - not NASB]
Inspiration, prophecy - ISA 46:9, 10
Jesus - God - TIT 1:3; 2:13
Jesus is coming - Act 1:11; JOH 14:3; 1TH 3:13; 2TH 2:8; 2TI 4:1; 1JO 3:2, 3; ISA 10:15. (parousia with all the saints)
Jesus prayed to God - LUK 6:12; 22:39-46
Jew - true - ROM 2:28, 29; 9:6-8; JOH 8:39-44; GAL 3:6, 7
Jewish Missions - ACT 13:44ff. (46)
Kingdom of God - LUK 9:2, 27, 60, 62; 10:9, 11; 11:26; 13:23-30; 16:16; 17:20, 21; 18:15ff; 19:11; DEU 18:15-22; JOH 18:36, 37; ACT 1:3; 8:12, 42; 14:22; 19:8, 20, 25; 28:31; REV 1:6-9; MAR 10:14; 2TI 4:1, 18; JOH 8:23; 15:19; 17:14-16; MAT 8:10-12; 12:28; 16:28; 19:14; 2TH 1:5; ACT 20:24-28; COL 1:13; DAN 2:44; 4:3, 34 (See Gospel of the Kingdom)
Law - EPH 2:15
Marys Message - LUK 1:46, 47
Missions - JOH 4:31-36; JON; 2CH 6:32, 33; GEN 12:3
Moses was special to God - NUM 12:6-8 (See NASB)
Mustard seed - MAT 13:31; 17:20; MAR 4:31; LUK 13:19; 17:6
Name false teachers - 3JO 9-11; JER 43:1-5; EZR 4:1-24
Name of Jesus in the OT - ISA 62:11
Oaths - LEV 19:12; DEU 23:21-23
Obedience - 1SA 15:23
Obey government - ROM 13:1-10; 1PE 2:12-17
Offer of the Gospel - HEB 4:1-3
OT Tabernacle and Sacrifices have served their purpose ended - HEB 9:7-12. while . . .yet standing; for the time then present See also JOH 4:21-24; REV 21:22
Paradox - "a statement that seems contradictory, unbelievable, or absurd but that may actually be true in fact" - Websters New World Dictionary - Second College edition, 1980. There are no paradoxes in the Bible any proposed are a result of our ignorance OR our unwillingness to accept what the Bible teaches.
Parents save for the children - 2CO 12:14; PRO 13:22
Peace - LUK 12:46
Persecution and chastening - 2TI 3:12; HEB 12:5-11; JOH 15:18ff; 1JO 4:7-11
Plowing of the wicked is sin - PRO 21:4
Prayer - PSA 66:18; ISA 59:1, 2; 1JO 3:22; 5:14
Prayer for the elect only - JOH 17:9, 20
Prayer of the Wicked - PRO 1:27-30
Predestined to Hell - 1PE 2:8
Prince - ruler - of this world cast out - JOH 12:31
Promises (covenants) CONDITIONAL - 1SA 2:30ff; 1KI 6:12, 13; 8:25; 9:3-9; LEV 26:14f; DEU 8:19, 20; 19:8, 9; 28:62; EXO 19:5; 1CH 28:7 (22:13); 2KI 7:16-20
Prophet = spokesman - EXO 7:1; (Music and singing 1CH 25:1, 3); ACT 3:20-26
Prosperity of the wicked - PSA 73; JER 12:1-4
Punishment of Evil - Reason - that others may fear to do the same - DEU 19:16-21; PRO 19:25; 1TI 5:20
Re-Baptism - ACT 19:3-5
Resurrection - JOB 19:23-27; 1CO 15:12-20
Reverend - PSA 111:9 the only time the Hebrew word is translated this way in the KJV; NASB - "awesome" is the correct idea. This verse is sometimes incorrectly used as a reason not to use the title. (See Call no man Father)
Sacrifice - ONCE for all time - Final - HEB 7:27; 9:23-28
Saints NOT looking down - HEB 12:1; LUK 16:27-29 -"I have five brothers" (he is simply remembering his life on Earth); JOB 14:21 - No knowledge (See Dead know not)
Salvation - JOH 1:12, 13; 3:3; LUK 18:17ff and parallels; COL 1:13
Seed of Abraham - HEB 2:16; GAL 3:7; ROM 9:6-8
Separation - EZR 4:1-3; 2CO 6:14-18; 2TH 3:6, 14, 15
Shortened those days for the elects sake - MAR 13:20
Sign Seekers - MAR 8:11
Signs - EXO 10:1, 2; (See Virgin Birth final note)
Sins of Ignorance - LEV 4:2, 13, 14, 20ff. esp. 27, 28; guilty even if ignorant - LEV 5:1-3, 17
Sitting in the Kingdom with Abraham, Jacob and Isaac - LUK 13:28-30; MAT 8:11, 12
Slavery - 1TI 6:1, 2; DEU 23:15, 16
Soul (spirit) and Body - 1KI 17:21, 22; GEN 2:7 [See John D. Davis, A Dictionary of the Bible pp. 739, 740. See also Dichotomy]
Soul Winning - MAT 22:1-14; LUK 14:7-24
Sunday - ACT 20:7; 1CO 16:1, 2; REV 1:10
Teach children continually - DEU 11:18, 19
Ten Commandments - EXO 20:1-17; DEU 5:6-21; ROM 7:7; 13:8, 9; EPH 6:2, 3; (MAT 22:36-40) 19:18, 19; LUK 18:20; MAR 10:19
Thanksgiving - DEU 8:10; 1CH 16:16:7-36.
Time: Jewish and Roman ways of recording - See JOH 1:39; 4:6, 52; 11:9; 19:14; 20:1
Jewish Time - sunset to sunset: approximately 6 pm to 6 am and 6 am to 6 pm = 1 day; continuously changing.
Roman Time (and ours) - Midnight to midnight; midnight to noon and noon to midnight = 1 day; always the same amount of time. [See A. T. Robertsons Harmony, p. 285] NOTE: John uses Roman time.
Titles: See Call No Man Father
Traducianism - Illustration = HEB 7:9, 10. Best explanation of sin in the descendants of Adam - GEN 1:31
Translation: 1. Dynamic equivalence - emphasis on the message in translation.
2. Formal equivalence - (word for word) emphasis on preserving the original word order and sentence structure.
Twelve Tribes - GEN 46; DEU 33 (Simeon omitted); GEN 49:5-7; EZE 48 (2 times and they are different); REV 7 (Dan and Ephraim omitted)
Unitarianism - 1JO 2:22-24
Unsaved husband or wife - 1CO 7:10-13
Virgin Birth - MAT 1:18-25; LUK 1:26-38. Almah (7 times in OT) - PSA 68:25; EXO 2:8; PRO 30:19; GEN 24:43; SON 1:3; 6:8; and ISA 7:14 which is translated in MAT 1:23 as VIRGIN. VIRGIN suits the context in EVERY case; yes, it is even DEMANDED; AND the NT plainly, undeniably states that in ONE instance it means VIRGIN and that in the vital text (ISA 7:14). (PSA 46 heading and 1CH 15:20 almah is not the root). (SIGN - is not necessarily seen by the one to whom it was given. For example see GEN 15:8ff., esp. vs. 13-16 the promise was NOT seen by Abraham)
Vows - DEU 23:21-23; PSA 76:11; ECC 5:1-7
Witches, etc. - DEU 18:9-12
Witnesses - DEU 18:15-22
Women Preachers - 1TI 2:12; 1CO 14:34, 35
Women working - GEN 29:9
Works (build up a reserve to draw on) NO! - LUK 17:7-10
Worship = reverential fear - DEU 6:13; MAT 4:10
Worship and requests - MAT 20:20
This Page Last Updated:
11/08/08 A.
Allison Lewis