Translators to the Reader |
Topic: Bible |
Type: Translation |
Translator: A. Allison Lewis |
1. Table of Contents; NOTE and Sample pages of a 1611 printing of the KJV
2. A Sample Paragraph (#3) in
modern type for easier reading
3. General Objections of the Critics
4. Praise of King James I
5. Praise of the Bible
6. A NEW Translation is Necessary
7. Translations were made very early from HEBREW to GREEK
8. Translations were made very early from HEBREW and GREEK to
9. Translations were made in Native Languages AS the Church Spread
10. The Church of Rome OPPOSED Translation in the Native Languages
11. Opposition to the NEW Translation
12. The Translators Appreciation of Previous Translators
13. NO Translators Translations are PERFECT like the ORIGINALS
14. Continual IMPROVEMENT of ANY Translation is NEEDED
15. Translators work LIMITED to NECESSARY Improvements ONLY
16. ALTERNATE READINGS given in cases of Uncertainty
17. Defense of a VARIETY of WORDS to Translate ONE ORIGINAL WORD
18. Concluding Remarks
The text has been brought more in line with modern English (American): including spelling, grammar and punctuation. Some old figures of speech and allusions have been reworked to make them understandable to the modern reader. Bible quotations are indicated by italics and their references are given. References are also given for Bible paraphrases and allusions. Other quotations are shown by quotation marks. Latin quotations (except "A Sample Paragraph (#3)") are given ONLY in English. Basic content headings and a Table of Contents (with links to each section) have been added. The purpose has been to make the text understandable to the modern reader. PLEASE bring any errors to the attention of the translator.
Sample pages of a 1611 printing of:
The King James Bible, 1611
The names and order of all the Bookes of
the Olde and New Testament, with the
Number of their Chapters.
Genesis hath Chapters | 50 | Ecclesiastes hath Chapters | 12 |
Exodus | 40 | The song of Solomon | 8 |
Leuiticus | 27 | Isaiah | 66 |
Numbers | 36 | Ieremiah | 52 |
Deuteronomie | 34 | Lamentations | 5 |
Ioshua | 24 | Ezekiel | 48 |
Iudges | 21 | Daniel | 12 |
Ruth | 4 | Hosea | 14 |
1. Samuel | 31 | Ioel | 3 |
2. Samuel | 24 | Amos | 9 |
1. Kings | 22 | Obadiah | 1 |
2. Kings | 25 | Ionah | 4 |
1. Chronicles | 29 | Micah | 7 |
2. Chronicles | 36 | Nahum | 5 |
Ezrah | 10 | Habakkuk | 3 |
Nehemiah | 13 | Zephaniah | 3 |
Ester | 10 | Haggai | 2 |
Iob | 42 | Zechariah | 14 |
Psalmes | 150 | Malachi | 4 |
Prouerbs | 31 |
The Bookes called Apocrypha.
1. Esdras hath Chapters | 9 | Baruch with the Epistle of Iererniah | 6 |
2. Esdras | 16 | The song of the three children. | |
Tobit | 14 | The story of Susanna. | |
Iudeth | 16 | The idole Bel and the Dragon. | |
The rest of Esther | 6 | The prayer of Manasseh. | |
Wisedome | 19 | 1. Maccabees | 16 |
Ecclesiasticus | 51 | 2. Maccabees | 15 |
The Bookes of the New Teftament.
Matthew hath Chap. | 28 | 1. Timotheus hath Chapters | 6 |
Marke | 16 | 2. Timotheus | 4 |
Luke | 24 | Titus | 3 |
Iohn | 21 | Philemon | 1 |
The Actes | 26 | To the Hebrewes | 13 |
Epistle to the Romans | 16 | The Epistle of Iames | 5 |
1. Corinthians | 16 | 1. Peter | 5 |
2. Corinthians | 13 | 2. Peter | 3 |
Galatians | 6 | 1. Iohn | 5 |
Ephesians | 6 | 2. Iohn | 1 |
Philippians | 4 | 3. Iohn | 1 |
Colossians | 4 | Iude | 1 |
1. Thessalonians | 5 | Reuelation | 22 |
2. Thessalonians | 3 |
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This Page Last Updated: 06/25/05
A. Allison Lewis