What the Bible teaches is TRUE! |
The Bible Stands
The Bible stands like a rock undaunted
Mid the raging storms of time;
It's pages burn with the truth eternal,
And they glow with a light sublime.
The Bible stands every test we give It,
For Its Author is divine;
By grace alone I expect to live It,
And to prove It and make It mine! |
The Bible stands like a mountain towering
Far above the works of men;
Its truth by none ever was refuted,
And destroy it they never can!
The Bible stands though the hills may tumble
It will firmly stand when the Earth shall crumble
I will plant my feet on Its firm foundation
For the Bible stands. |
Words and Music by: Haldor Lillenas 1885-1959
Main Index
Bible Book Abbreviations
God Is Holy - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2011-02-19
Salvation - What does it profit a
man to gain the whole world and lose his soul [MAR 8:36]
Can a Baptist Church Save You? - A. A. Lewis
God's Simple Plan of Salvation - Ford Porter
Everybody Ought to Know Who Jesus Is
Bible Passages for Arabic Readers - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2007-10-06
The Evil of Sin - C. H. Spurgeon
The Ten Commandments
The TEN COMMANDMENTS in the NT - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2010-02-20
Born again
The Holy Spirit and Man's Salvation - J. C. Ryle
The Old Fashioned Way - Mrs. C. D. Martin
Are YOU a Christian?
Are There Few or Many of us likely to be Saved? - J. C. Ryle
Seed Upon a Rock - C. H. Spurgeon
A New Name Written Down In Pencil - John C. Lewis
Bible Reading Schedule
The BIBLE: an Introduction
The Liberal's Bible
The Modernist's Bible
The New Evangelical's Bible
The Fundamentalist's Bible
An Infallible Guide
The Bible Today
The Unity of the Bible - Arthur Pink
Genesis: The Key to Reclaiming the Culture by Ken Ham - (MP3)
The Miracles of the Bible
The Prophecies of the Bible
The Bible and Science
Divine Inspiration by Louis Gaussen (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2007-12-23
The Authority and Inspiration of the Scriptures - B. B. Warfield
Higher Criticism - Robert Dick Wilson
The Bible Applied
Cain's Wife
Lost Bible
Did ANY church give the Bible to the world?
The Minister and His Greek Testament - A. T. Robertson
BIBLE PASSAGES - Translations and Notes
Ephesians 2:1-10
The book of JUDE
Exodus 20:1-17
At Home - 2 Corinthians 5:6-9
1 Corinthians 14 and "Tongues"
Basics of the Book of Daniel
Eternity for ALL God's people--REV 21:1-14
Albert N. Martin Death's Immediate Sequel for the Christian
Albert N. Martin Gleanings from a Grieving Heart #1
Albert N. Martin Gleanings from a Grieving Heart #2
Albert N. Martin Gleanings from a Grieving Heart #3
Signposts To The Celestial City - Series by Albert N. Martin
Albert N. Martin The Only Way to God?
Albert N. Martin The Way of Forgiveness of Sins
Albert N. Martin Christ's Call for Sinners
Albert N. Martin Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ
Albert N. Martin Bad News - Good News from God
Albert N. Martin The Great Day of Their Wrath
Albert N. Martin Warning to Professing Christians
Albert N. Martin No New Birth - No Heaven
Albert N. Martin Enter by the Narrow Door
Albert N. Martin Testifying Repentance & Faith
Albert N. Martin Behold, Now is the Day of Salvation
Albert N. Martin Life or Death - It's Your Choice
Albert N. Martin The Son of Man is Coming
Calvinism - by Albert N. Martin
Albert N. Martin Calvinism
Sexual Purity - by Albert N. Martin
Albert N. Martin Sexual Purity 1
Albert N. Martin Sexual Purity 2
Albert N. Martin Sexual Purity 3
Albert N. Martin Sexual Purity 4
Albert N. Martin Sexual Purity 5
James White The Basics of Islam
James White Islamic Apologetics
James White Answering Islamic Objections
James White Background on the Quran
Brian Schwertley Islam Part 1 - A Biblical & Historical Critique
Brian Schwertley Islam Part 2 - Allah The Moon God
Brian Schwertley Islam Part 3 - Islamic Jihad
Brian Schwertley Islam Part 4 - Islamic Jihad Continued
Brian Schwertley Islam Part 5 - The Koran
Brian Schwertley Islam Part 6 - The Koran's View of Christ
James White Jehovahs Witnesses
James White Ancient Heresies, Part 1A
James White Ancient Heresies, Part 1B
James White Ancient Heresies, Part 2A
James White Ancient Heresies, Part 2B
James White Ancient Heresies, Part 3A
James White Ancient Heresies, Part 3B
James White Ancient Heresies, Part 4A
James White Ancient Heresies, Part 4B
James White Ancient Heresies, Part 4C
James White Apostates and Apostacy
James White The Blessing of Apostacy
James White The Danger of False Faith
James White A Strong Delusion
James White The Battle for Justification
James White The Begotten Son
James White The Design of the Atonement
James White The High Priest of Our Confession
James White The Human Body
James White The Human Body (2)
James White The Incarnation is Necessary
James White The Law of Atonement
James White The Perfect High Priest
James White The Pioneer of Our Salvation
James White The Problem of Sodom
James White What God Considers Abomination
James White The Sovereign Kingship of God
James White The Sovereignty of God
James White The Soverignty of God and Sin
James White The Superiority of the Son
James White The Supremacy of Christ
James White Total Depravity
James White Trinitarian Intercession
James White Unity in Christ
James White Warning of Denouncing Christ
James White Warnings
James White Wesleyan Theology
James White Introduction to Reformed Theology
James White 1 - The Trinity Defended
James White 2 - The Trinity Defended
James White 3 - Question Time
James White 4 - The Carmen Christian
James White 5 - The Potters Freedom
James White A Call To Self Examination
James White A Critique of Bart Ehrman
James White A Critique of Harold Camping May 21st
James White A Critique of Peter Enns
James White A Critique of The Da Vinci Code
James White A Look At Open Theism
James White A More Excellent Ministry
James White Assurance and Hope
James White Beyond the Veil of Eternity
James White Christ - A Priest Forever
James White Christ - His Perfect Intercession
James White Christ - Our One Mediator
James White Christ - Our Pure High Priest
James White Do Not Harden Your Hearts
James White Exaltation Through Humiliation
James White God Has Spoken To Us
James White God Has Spoken To Us -2
James White God's Unchanging Purpose
James White Growing In Christian Maturity
James White Impossible to Renew
James White Irrestible Grace
James White Jesus on Marriage
James White Jesus Our Great High Priest 1
James White Jesus Our Great High Priest 2
James White KJV Onlyism and Bible Translation
James White The Sufficiency of Scripture - 1
James White Limited Atonement
James White Matthew 19
James White Matthew 25
James White John 10 A
James White John 10 B
James White Melchizedek - The Priest King
James White Questions and Answers
James White Radical Christianity
James White Reformation Sunday Morning
James White Regeneration
James White Repent of Passion Growing Cold
James White Saved to the Uttermost
James White Righteousness By Faith Alone
James White Righteousness
James White Perseverance of the Saints
James White Synoptic Gospels
James White Synoptic Gospels - Sections
James White Synoptic Gospels - Lazarus
James White Synoptic Gospels - The Rich Young Ruler - 1
James White Synoptic Gospels - The Rich Young Ruler - 2
Dr. Craig P. Scott Avoiding Charitable Rip-Off's
Brian Schwertly Why Will God Judge America
ENGLISH NT & A. A. Lewis Notes -
Introduction - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2010-02-20
GREEK NT & A. A. Lewis Notes -
Introduction - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2008-08-10
THE GREAT COMMISSION - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2008-08-10
Righteous and Unrighteous - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2008-08-10
Matthew - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2010-04-10
Mark - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2008-08-10
Luke - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2008-08-10
John - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2008-08-10
Acts - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2008-08-10
Romans - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2008-08-10
1st Corinthians - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2008-08-10
2nd Corinthians - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2008-08-10
Galatians - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2010-05-09
Ephesians - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2010-05-09
Ephesians Illustrated from Acts - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2010-05-09
Phillipians - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2008-08-10
Colossians - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2008-08-10
1st Thessalonians - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2008-08-10
2nd Thessalonians - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2008-08-10
1st Timothy - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2008-08-10
2nd Timothy - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2008-08-10
Titus - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2010-05-09
Philemon - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2008-08-10
Hebrews - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2011-02-19
James - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2008-08-10
1st Peter - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2008-08-10
2nd Peter - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2010-01-23
1st John - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2008-08-10
2nd John - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2008-08-10
3rd John - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2008-08-10
Jude - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2008-08-10
Revelation - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2008-08-10
King James The Translators To The Reader - A. A. Lewis
Dr. James White KJV Onlyism: Your Translation (A Defense of the Bible)
English Bible Survey - Rick Norris
"King James Only" correspondence with the late David O. Fuller
Open Letter to Dr. Ian Paisley about KJV and Quakers - A. A. Lewis
Testimonies about Bible Translations by past leaders of Bible Christianity
Does Revision Involve Changing or Altering of God's Word? - R. Norris
Topical Index
Creation, The Fall, Etc. - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2010-08-15 NEW!
He Arose and Was Seen
Jesus is Coming
Bible Baptism
Baptism - A. T. Robertson - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2011-03-19
The Christian Life by J. C. Ryle
Hypocrite Judges
God and Medicine - A. T. Robertson
Elijah, just be POSITIVE!
God's Work His Way
Church Covenant - Updated - A. A. Lewis
When the fullness of time was come - Chronology and Calendars
Topics for special study - Verses to encourage thought on what the Bible teaches.
History of Systematic Theology A. H. Strong
A Basic Summary of Theological Systems - A. A. Hodge
Imputation - The Connection of Humanity to Adam and Eve
Arminianism - Background and DANGERS
Calvinism - As held by Bunyan, Spurgeon, Warfield, Machen - AND evangelism
John Calvin - God's omnipotence, decrees and providence - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2008-02-15
The London Baptist Confession of 1689 - WITH NOTES - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2008-12-21
Jesus, the Son, is God - J. G. Machen
Universal Equality- J. C. Ryle
Sex Education
What God Has Promised - Annie Johnson Flint
He Makes No Mistake
Sir Wilferd Grenfell - To show the need to beware of FRAUD in
"Christian" biographies
Annie Johnson Flint - Roland V. Bingham
Destructive Heresies and Cults
Mysticism and Christianity - B. B. Warfield, John Bunyan, etc.
Charles G. Finney - The Anti-Biblical Teachings of... - (PDF) (DOC) - Updated 2007-12-23
Dispensationalists and Jews Together
Association of Baptists for World Evangelism AND Islam
Bible Numerics - O. T. Allis
Romanism - L. Boettner
The Bible Says
Was Peter Ever in Rome
This Is My Body
Indulgences (Indulgentarum Doctrina) - (PDF) (DOC)
Christ in Christmas
Susie's Story
The Virgin Birth
The Wise Men
Small Books and Booklets
All of Grace - C. H. Spurgeon
Around the Wicket Gate
- C. H. Spurgeon
The Christian Faith in the
Modern World - J. G. Machen
Christianity and Liberalism
- J. G. Machen
The Doctrine of Endless Punishment - W. G. T. Shedd
Studies In Genesis One - E. J. Young
Counterfeit Miracles - Benjamin B. Warfield
I was saved, by the grace of God, as a
teenager, through reading the Bible. I was actually reading and searching out certain
topics in the Bible to justify some things I wanted to do. As
I read the Bible it did not approve what I wanted to do, but rather condemned me for my
sins and need of salvation. My first acquaintance with the Bible was at the age of five,
when my mother (who at the time was not saved) read much of the New Testament to me and my
younger brother as we lay on a straw tick "mattress" on a camp bunk in the
lumber woods. She was the camp cook and my father worked with the rest of the crew cutting
and hauling logs and pulp-wood. As I lay on that bunk listening to
my mother read I thoroughly understood what she was reading. It was very real to me that I
was a sinner deserving the furnace of fire and that place of wailing and gnashing of teeth
[MAT 13:41, 42]. I was
not saved, however, until my later teen years. The one question I had for a long time
before I was saved was "How can the death of Christ pay for MY sins?" I did not
question the history of the Bible I believed that the events recorded there really happened. I had
no questions about Jesus being the Son of God as He claimed. I did not question His virgin
birth, miracles, death, bodily resurrection and ascension to Heaven. What I could not believe and understand was how
His sacrificial death on the cross could take care of MY SINS I was
the one who sinned against my Creator. Then one night alone in my bedroom I told the Lord
that I didn't understand the how but I told Him that I would take Him at His wordI BELIEVED His promise and by His unmerited grace I was
saved. Even today I cannot understand
how or why He should or could show mercy to a sinner such as I. I have read the
theologians and philosophers answers without any help in that understanding. All I know is
that I a wicked HELL BOUND and HELL DESERVING SINNER, DEAD in sins, by the grace of God alone was made
His child. Please take time to read Ephesians 2:1-10 (for the passage CLICK on the
following URL: http://www.christianbeliefs.org/bible/ephesians2-1-10.html ).
My desire through the years since my salvation has been to
continue my study of God's Word and to pass it on to others that the Holy Spirit might use
it to draw, whom the Father would, to come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior and grow
in His grace.
My places of service have been small and somewhat
remote but I have striven to be true to my Lord and His Word in whatever I have done. I am
a Fundamentalist, however, I am aware that what is today known as
"Fundamentalism" is a gross misrepresentation of historic Fundamentalism. The
same is true of the word Christian. The vast majority of those who claim that precious
name show by their doctrine and conduct that they know nothing of the saving grace of God [Please read MAT 7:13, 14, 21-23]. I fear that a very large number, even in our Fundamentalist
churches, have never experienced the "new birth." "Religion" may be
popular but we see few walking in that HOLINESS, WITHOUT WHICH
NO MAN SHALL SEE THE LORD [HEB 12:14]. We urge every
reader to make sure that you have passed from death to life.
A. Allison Lewis All Rights Reserved
This page last Updated: aalewis@christianbeliefs.org